Alumni Spotlight: Leslie Rojas

September 19, 2024

Alumni Spotlight: Leslie Rojas
Leslie Rojas

Majors and minors while at UNL:
I double majored in Global Studies and Political Science and double minored in Arabic and National Security. I graduated in May of 2020.

What were some of your favorite memories of being at UNL and majoring in Global Studies?
UNL is a school where you feel you are one community with both faculty members and the students. Everyone is so supportive and it's a space that allows you to grow without limit. There is an electric atmosphere on campus and that is something not every place has. My Global Studies classes were always my favorite and did not feel like work at all. The conversation around real world issues brings you to have a productive dialogue with your classmates that is meaningful and will stay with you throughout undergrad and post grad.

On and off campus involvement:
I studied abroad for the entirety of my junior year. In the Fall I went to Rabat, Morocco and in the Spring I studied in Amman, Jordan. I also volunteered as a camp coordinator for a youth group from my freshman year to my senior year where I helped to organize and plan camp activities.

What have you been up to since graduation?
I've been in Rwanda serving as an Education Volunteer with Peace Corps for the last two years. Being a teacher here has taught me more than I could ever put into words. I’ve had many good memories but one of my top five would have to be completing a project I collaborated with my school and my village carpenter on. My school came to me with a request that they wanted a playground to be built. If you’ve ever seen a school in the villages of Rwanda, you wouldn’t see a playground because they can only be found in the schools of the capital. The principal of the school knew the importance of how play time contributes to the development of children in various ways. Free play is what helps children with their mental, physical and social development. In a playground they can be creative and explore their own interests.

We developed a plan on what this playground would consist of: two slides, monkey bars, a climbing wall, swings, benches and picnic tables. We started to build and constructed for about two months. As soon as we started building, the school children and teachers were excited and fascinated with the construction. They would sit around and watch us work for hours. As soon as the swings were installed, they ran over to them and called their friends to get on. Many didn’t know how to properly swing, but we taught them. Now that we’ve completed this, we know that it will positively impact their physical and mental health.

What is your advice for current global studies majors who aren’t quite sure what to do after they graduate?
Thinking about life after graduation can be overwhelming but exciting at the same time. Take one step at a time and remember that everyone's timeline is different. We each have our own story to tell and your story is unique. There was something someone told me once when I didn't know what to do about a job opportunity I had. They said, “there will be many ‘what ifs’ in your life. This doesn’t have to be one of them.” Don’t miss out on an opportunity just because you're afraid to take a leap.

What are your plans for the future?
I plan to get my Masters in International Affairs and pursue a career with the Foreign Service.

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