POLS 334 Q&A with CNN Director, Jennifer Agiesta

April 17, 2024

POLS 334 students with Jennifer Agiesta and Dona-Gene Barton

Jennifer Agiesta, Director of Polling and Election Analytics at CNN and current president of the American Association for Public Opinion Research, visited as a guest speaker for Politics and Opinion, POLS 334, on April 8th.

During her visit, Agiesta shared insights into her career trajectory, tracing her path from her role as a Polling Analyst at the Washington Post to serving as the Director of Polling at the Associated Press, culminating in her current position as Director of Polling and Election Analytics at CNN.

The class period primarily consisted of a Q&A session, allowing students to engage directly with Agiesta. Through thoughtful inquiries, students explored various aspects of journalism and polling, seeking to understand the nuances of these fields from an experienced professional's perspective.

Overall, Agiesta's visit with the class highlighted the importance of integrating experiential learning into the classroom, enriching students' understanding of the intersection between politics, opinion, and media.

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