Rupal Mehta nominated as a Woman of Character, Courage, and Commitment

March 28, 2016

Mehta portrait

As a part of the UNL Women’s Center’s Women’s Week 2016, nominations were solicited for Women of Character, Courage, and Commitment awards. According to the Women’s Center, “these women are leaders within our campus and Lincoln communities that have had positive impacts on the lives of peers, friends, family, mentors/mentees, and students.” The nominees were honored at the Women’s History Month Banquet on March 17th.

The Department of Political Science’s own Assistant Professor, Dr. Rupal Mehta, was nominated as a Woman of Character, Courage, and Commitment.

The nomination reads: “Dr. Mehta is a new addition the Political Science department at UNL and one of the best teachers I have had the opportunity to learn from. Her expertise and intelligence in foreign affairs is expansive and impressive. But her interactions with students, in and outside of the classroom, is why I am nominating her. I walked into Dr. Mehta's Political Science 260 classroom everyday last semester with excitement because I knew whatever we were going to discuss was going to be dynamic and engaging, not because I was necessarily interested in every subject, but because of her presentation. Everything is interactive and open to discussion and questions. She is a very accomplished person but she is humble and welcoming in the classroom. She never lets her prestigious education or connections intimidate students but rather she uses them to inspire her students. I walked out of her classroom grateful to learn from such an intelligent person, but also to be genuinely encouraged to enter and excel in such a highly competitive field. No other professor has made me feel this way like Dr. Mehta has. Her personality is sparkling, her intelligence sharp as a whip, and she is such a valued member of the UNL Political Science community.”

Other nominees include UNL faculty, staff, and students, as well as athletic coaches and political figures. You can find out more about all of the nominees here

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