Student comments to be shared at Fortenberry event Oct. 24

October 7, 2016

Future of Democracy

Calling all University of Nebraska-Lincoln students!

We want to know: What is the future of democracy?  You define the scope of democracy you wish to address – on campus, the local community, the state, nation, or internationally. 

Share your thoughts in a 2–3 minute video here by Friday, October 14th.

A handful of submissions will be selected to air during the Future of Democracy event with Congressman Jeff Fortenberry on October 24, 2016 from 3:30-5:30 pm, at UNL City Campus Union (The Crib).  This event is sponsored by the UNL Political Science Department, ASUN, Center for Civic Engagement, and Nebraskans for Civic Reform.  

Visit the Nebraskans for Civic Reform website.

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