UNL Political Science Faculty Engage with USSTRATCOM On Deterrence Research

September 28, 2015

Side by side profiles of Professor Mehta and Professor White

Pictured above, Professors Mehta and White.

The National Strategic Research Institute (NSRI) at the University of Nebraska was recently awarded a contract from U.S. Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM) to investigate horizontal and vertical nuclear proliferation. A press release from NSRI explains that vertical nuclear proliferation is "an increase in the capabilities of existing nuclear powers" and horizontal nuclear proliferation is "an increase in the number of states that possess nuclear weapons." Directing this research are UNL Political Science faculty members Dr. Rupal Mehta and Dr. Tyler White. 

In addition to the recent award, on September 17th, Political Science Department faculty Rupal Mehta and Tyler White hosted a one-day workshop in Washington, D.C. As part of a previous USSTRATCOM task order on US alliance policy, the workshop focused on discussing extended deterrence and assurance, with specific attention to East Asia and NATO. The workshop brought together policymakers, academics, and representatives from the US and UK government. In addition to working to create an  important networking opportunity between the academic and policy spheres, the workshop was also instrumental in shaping the final research report on US extended deterrence policies.


This conference was made possible by the National Strategic Research Institute. NSRI has worked with the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and a number of other institutions to help promote research questions from STRATCOM from the University Associated Research Center (UARC).

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