
Graduate Student

Our graduate program offers students a small, congenial community that allows them to work closely with faculty — and with each other — on groundbreaking research. Students receive the highest quality training from interdisciplinary faculty who not only regularly win teaching awards but also frequently write the books from which other political science programs teach. We offer both M.A. and Ph.D. programs designed for students who want to conduct research, teach, and pursue academia, and for those interested in political science applications in government, military, nonprofit, and business.

The placement of recent graduates shows the value of a Nebraska degree is higher than ever.

Please direct questions about graduate admissions to the Graduate Secretary, Mr. David Csontos.

Dr. Ingrid Haas, Graduate Program Chair

Primary Areas of Study

Graduate students in Political Science select from the following four areas to focus their studies in, for both our M.A. and Ph.D. programs:

Graduate Specializations

The Department of Political Science also participates in a number of cross-departmental specializations on campus, including those listed below. Students have the option to add one of these to their MA or PhD program, but this is not a requirement. Please see program websites (links below) for more information on specialization requirements.

Political Science Graduate Student Association

The PSGSA was founded in 2009 to serve as a representative body for political science graduate students, identify and work to solve problems that we as graduate students face, and communicate to faculty, undergraduate students, and the university.

2024-2025 PSGSA Leadership:

President: Sophia Stockham

Faculty Representative: James Kriz

GSA Representative: John Jostes

Events Coordinator: Alyssa Noe

Communication & Professional Development Coordinator: Susie Pratt