Geoff Lorenz

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Geoff Lorenz

Assistant Professor Political Science University of Nebraska-Lincoln


OLDH 535
Lincoln NE 68588-0328
402-472-2341 On-campus 2-2341
Social Media

Dr. Geoff Lorenz joined the Department of Political Science in the Fall of 2018. He studies how to make change in Washington. His main line of research examines why Congress addresses some policy issues but not others, and in particular the role of advocacy organizations and special interest groups in shaping Congress’s legislative agenda. In addition, he studies how lawmakers’ backgrounds, interests, districts, and ambitions affect their ability to advance bills through the legislative process and into law. His research has been published in the American Political Science ReviewJournal of Politics, Interest Groups & Advocacy, and other outlets. Dr. Lorenz is a faculty affiliate at the non-partisan Center for Effective Lawmaking, contributing to a research base that national organizations are using to “Build a Better Congress”. He teaches courses on research methods, American political institutions, Congress, Interest Groups, and Advocacy & Persuasion. 

Prior to coming to Nebraska, Dr. Lorenz was a postdoctoral fellow at the Frank Batten School of Leadership and Public Policy at the University of Virginia.



  • Ph.D. and M.A. in Political Science from the University of Michigan
  • M.A., Stanford University and B.A., Duke University