Political Science

Classroom with students and professor

Majoring in political science at Nebraska moves you to combine the analytical and communication skills of a liberal arts degree with an in-depth understanding of governments and political processes. You can also experience courses in different subfields of political science, which contribute to your overall knowledge of complex political relations and institutions.


  • American Government and Public Policy examines national, state and local government

  • Biology, Psychology and Politics explores the role of biology and psychology in people’s political attitudes and behaviors

  • Human Rights and Security examines the nexus between the search for security and the requirement for and establishment of robust humanitarian standards

  • International Relations and Comparative Politics addresses problems arising when nations interact and how countries other than the United States govern themselves

Academics + Experience = Opportunities

Complement academic preparation with experiential learning, creating more opportunities after graduation. Talk to an academic advisor and a career coach about making the most of your time at Nebraska.

Four-year success plan
What to do each year

Major requirements and courses

Printable summary
With sample four-year schedule

Transferable Career Skills

  • Contextualize political, social, and historical events
  • Defend and discuss complex issues from multiple angles
  • Develop and defend evidence based arguments
  • Communicate clearly using different forms of writing to and for a variety of different audiences
  • Gain global perspective and high levels of intercultural awareness
  • Make decisions carefully, using appropriate theoretical frameworks
  • Read, understand, and critically review scientific information
  • Simplify complex information and present it to others
  • Understand the connection between people, places, and communities
  • Use various qualitative and quantitative research methodologies


Experience is valuable and goes beyond the classroom. We strive to help you connect your academics with research, internships, education abroad, service learning and leadership experiences in AREA, such as:


  • Interning with a senator in the United States Senate or with Nebraskans for Civic Reform
  • Learn more about internships


  • Researching the relationship between political orientation, racial bias and moral foundations
  • Learn more about undergraduate research

Education Abroad

Student Organizations

  • Serving as the ASUN president
  • Learn more about getting involved in student organizations



As a political science major you will be drawn to, and be successful in, a number of occupations and professions. Training in political science at Nebraska provides you with a capacity to gather information, sort through it, select that which is relevant and apply it in solving a specific problem.

Examples of Alumni Careers

  • Campaign Organizer, Impact Organization/Environment New Mexico
  • Civic Engagement and Organizing Coordinator, Border Action Network
  • Deputy Data Director, Democratic Party of Virginia
  • Director of Voting Rights, Nebraskans for Civic Reform
  • Economic Analyst, U.S. Government
  • Financial Services Officer, Cobalt Credit Union
  • Immigration Services Officer, Department of Homeland Security
  • Outreach and Communications Associate, Cambridge Global Advisors
  • Public Involvement Specialist, State of Nebraska
  • Resource and Student Engagement Coordinator, Nebraska Family Alliance
  • Nebraska Legislative Page, Nebraska Legislature

Examples of Graduate Schools Attended by Alumni

  • Juris Doctorate, Harvard University
  • Master's Degree, International Education and Policy Management, Vanderbilt University
  • Master's Degree, Public Administration, University of Nebraska at Omaha
  • Ph.D., Economic Analysis and Policy, Stanford University
  • Ph.D., Political Science, University of Rochester
  • School of Language Studies, Foreign Service Institute
  • Master's Degree, Teacher Education, Doane College
  • Master's Degree, International Relations, University of Oregon
  • Ph.D., Diplomatic History, Ohio State University
  • Juris Doctorate/Master of Business Administration, Kansas University
Renna Fielder

Courses With Impact

“The first political science course that I took, Power and Politics in America, had a big impact on me. I was in a classroom full of people with different viewpoints, but we still were able to have positive and meaningful discussions without fear of judgement. This class is what made me choose to minor in political science.”

Renna Fielder

Students in class

Political Science At Nebraska

Political Science is a social science major in the College of Arts and Sciences (CAS). Our liberal arts degrees provide a broad education across the sciences, social sciences, and humanities, preparing students for a variety of careers.

Let curiosity move you.

Contact Us

Academic and Career Advising Center
107 Oldfather Hall

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